The Environment Agency will be electrofishing the lower section of our fishing at Dovedale, below St Marys Bridge on the campsite field, on the 29th September from around 10am. Any one wishing to see the EA in action may do so. For those members who have not seen this before it is very interesting, assuming they do catch a few fish!
Each year Ladffa is invited to attend the Bakewell Show and so again this year. The show is held over two days the 5th and 6th August. Ladffa will be attending and although the dates are mid week and I know most people will be working, if you do get chance ,please come along and see us in the Angling area. The show has lots of attractions with a show ring and an abundance of shopping and places to eat.
There are very few new things in fly tying and the latest all singing and dancing fly to hit the rivers is the Jingler again an adaptation of an old Clyde style fly it seems to be reaching the parts others flies can’t. There are a couple of tying videos on you tube which give tying details so happy tying and tight lines!
I trust all members are having good days on the Ladffa rivers. The Mayfly are beginning to make an appearance and the fish will soon be taking them properly and not the splashy drowning rises first seen as the Mayfly season starts. I did manage a few hours out on Saturday but sadly my old and getting older! knees curtailed my fishing but I did manage three lovely fish. However, my fishing partner who shall remain nameless, but you know who you are! out caught me 6:1 !
A reminder aslo to all members fishing the Dovedale-Milldale stretch, our water doesn’t start until the first wall downstream of the Viators bridge in Milldale conversely the last wall if you’re travelling upstream. The wall has a gateway and a small private fishing sign attached. The committee will try to add a Ladffa sign assuming the National Trust ok its design.
Tight lines
As the new season is just around the corner a timely reminder to those members who have yet to renew their membership, remember you need to renew before taking your fishing trip and don’t forget your rod licence! To all those who have renewed and to all our new members thank you for if it wasn’t not for you Ladffa would not exist and at the end of the day Ladffa is your Association.
Tight lines to all for the new season
The Association had the usual stand at last weekends Fly Fair and thank you to all those members who popped by the stand to say hello and supported the raffle.
Graham Stevens kindly tied a large tray of quality flies which we sold to help raise funds for the Alzheimer’s charity as a token to our former Chairman Gerald Allcock.
The Fair had great public support, with Saturday being the busiest of the two days.
Over the course of the event we managed to secure four new member’s and raised a £177.
It is with sadness that I have to report to members the passing of Gerry Allcock. Gerry passed away earlier this week whilst in hospital, following a heart attack two weeks before. Gerry had been suffering from Alzheimer’s desease for the last few years .
To those members who new Gerry they will remember him as a kind, generous and passionate fisher and member of Ladffa. During his term as chairman, he oversaw great changes at Ladffa. He also became an avid “collector” of fishing tackle, and fly tying equipment as a garage full of items tells. He will be sadly missed by his close friends especially the “Last of the summer winers” to which he became the fourth member. The days on his pond at Greendale were a delight, with fishing being a secondary attraction behind the food and drinks shared between those invited for the day. He enjoyed his flyting and he produced some excellent flies which caught plenty of fish.
He will be forever remebered for his work on the egg box scheme, which he started and gave many hours of his time to for over 9years, a legacy which will always be seen in the genes of the fish stocks on the river Churnet at Eastwall.
Our thoughts and condolences go out to his wife Margeret and his family.