R. Churnet, Lords Bridge and R. Hamps. Winkhill. 12th April 2019. Upper Dove. Crowdecote.

Lords Bridge. The road between Oakamoor & Ramblers Retreat, Red Road, is currently closed. It is hoped will be open again next week. Lords Bridge is still accessible though, via Red Road from Alton.

R. Hamps working party, Saturday 27th April. For those able to attend this working party can you please bring suitable wading gear and either bow saw, loppers or strong secateurs. The majority of the work will be wading downstream and tidying up overhanging bushes, trees, removing dead trees and or other artifacts.  ( I removed a car battery this morning, then spent the rest of the day looking for the car.)

Since the Waltonians  took over part of our fishing upstream, r/hand bank above Ludwell Farm, we have had to change the boundary signage. This was due to an oversight on their part when originally siting their signs. This has now been rectified and the start of their water, downstream from Crowdecote starts at the Pump House boundary wall, not the next field down.

Tightlines, Stephen Clarke. Secretary.


Working Party. River Hamps. Saturday 27th April. 09.30 hrs.

I have arranged a working party on the Hamps on the 27th April. Those members able to attend are asked to meet on Station Road, Winkhill at 09.30hrs. The entrance to these waters will be over the style on Station Road so members are requested to park between the style and main road. Depending on numbers, part of the party will go to Papermill Farm and work upstream towards Station Road.

Please bring suitable tools, e.g. brushing hooks, loppers, hand saws. (no power tools I’m afraid). Also some wading will be required. I expect to finish about 13.00hrs. Look forward to meeting you there. If you are able to attend please let me know on either 07754 621012 or asclarke647@gmail.com.hank you, tightlines, Stephen Clarke. Secretary.



Season 2019.

Good afternoon everybody. Not long now before we can all get out and catch some trout. I wish you all a very successful season this year.

If you have paid and not received your membership card for 2019, please let me know asap. If you haven’t paid, then this will be the reason why you haven’t received your membership card.(However there is still time so contact me asap.)

I would like to remind all members of the social events that have been organised and would recommend that those who will be interested in either one or both of Don Stazicker’s presentation (14th May) and Peter Arfield’s Tenkara evening (13th June) , please let me know of their interest.

LADFFA will be represented at the London Fly Fair next week, 22nd-23rd  March, Islington Business Design Centre. All visitors, past and present members will be most welcome.

Tightlines everyone. Stephen Clarke. Hon. Secretary. (asclarke647@gmail.com or 07754 621012.)


Here are details of this year’s social events to date. As and when more are arranged I will let you know. No working parties have been arranged yet, but will be in the near future.




30th JUNE. BAKEWELL SHOW. We shall be having a stand in Fisherman’s Walk in the showground.

10th AUGUST. MANIFOLD VALLEY SHOW. ILAM. This is our 1st year to exhibit here.

29th SEPTEMBER. Annual Dinner. (lunchtime event) IZAAK WALTON HOTEL. DOVEDALE.

Make a note in your diaries. In respect to the Demonstration and Presentation events, I would recommend that members let me know if they would like to attend, as there will be limited places.

Thank you. Steve Clarke. Secretary.



Following the successful evening 2 years ago,  another member’s evening with Peter has been arranged for the above date. The evening will include Peter demonstrating the Tenkara techniques, with commentary and he will be available to answer any questions, etc that members may have.( Last time he brought some rods and accessories which members were able to purchase.)

It is anticipated that we shall arrange a small BBQ on the evening, the group will be limited to a maximum of 12 with a provisional cost of £25.00/head. Further details will be posted nearer the date but this is another date for your diaries. Should anyone be interested now, please let me know. Stephen Clarke. 07754 621012 or asclarke647gmail.com





Note for your diary. 14th May 2019. 7.30 pm. Black Lion. Cheddleton.

On this evening we have arranged a presentation, supported by video footage, from Mr Don Stazicker.

The title of the presentation is Riseforms – Can we tell what they are eating?
It looks at how trout rise, what triggers the rise and what can we tell from the riseform.
Ultra high definition video is used to investigate what takes place in a split second often out of sight beneath the surface of the river.
It might change how you think of dry flies forever.
Cost will be £6.00 per person, with a light buffet at the end. Don comes very highly recommended and usually has a ‘packed house’.
I will be sending out reminders nearer the date but should anyone wish to book a seat now, let me know.
Stephen Clarke. Secretary. 07754 621012 or asclarke647@gmail.com

BFFI Stafford Showground

Thank you to all those members who came to visit us at Stafford today and Saturday. A successful show for the associaion with five new members, possibly seven.Particular thanks to Chris Bignell, Paul Harvey and Irene Osborne for giving up their time to ‘man’ the stand. Also recieved a lot of general enquiries with flyers taken for further referance. Have a good week and thank you all again.


A polite reminder for all current members to please arrange to renew your membership by the 1st March 2019. You may pay your fees via this website (either monthly or annual fee) , or BACS payment through your bank, again either monthly or annual fee, or by cheque (Payable to ‘Leek and District Fly Fishing Association’ annual payment only) sent to me at 10 Tuscan Close, Cheadle, Stoke on Trent. ST10 1HS.

Thanking you all and have a good week. Stephen Clarke. Hon. Secretary. LADFFA>





British Fly Fair International. Staffordshire County Showground. ST18 0BD. February 9th & 10th.

Once again LADFFA will be represented at this show and would welcome all current and previous members who would like to visit us.

Our stand can be found in the mini expo area, Hall 2.

Well worth a visit to this event where there is ample free parking with admission. £10.00 for one day or £17.00 for the two days. Under 16 yrs accompanied have free entry.

Look forward to seeing you there. Steve Clarke. Hon. Secretary.