I have been given the programme for the local Grayling Society upcoming events. I know some Ladffa members are already Grayling Society members and will probably have received this information but if not please see below.
For those who are not yet members the Grayling Society is well worth a look and for members there are fishing days available on some exclusive waters during the winter months.
The calendar of event is as below;
Wednesday 18th October Gary Walker “Cane rods”
November 8th Jon Beer ” Get Fat- Live longer and other surprising lessons we learn from Trout”
December 6th Charles Jardine as well as his presentation Charles will be talking about “Fishing 4 Schools initiative”
January 10th Stuart Crofts ” Caddisfly Magic” entomology, fly patterns and tactics
February 7th Don Stazicker “The surface film, how to make your flies sit in it, on it and underneath it”
March 7th Martin Pearce “Spies and flies” spies apparently enjoy fly fishing!
Fly tying evenings join in or sit and watch the “experts”
October 23rd, November 27th, January 29th, February 26th, March 19th
All the above are presented by Grayling Fishers, Rutland Arms Hotel, Bakewell. Time 7.30 pm cost £3.00
Remember The Ladffa annual dinner on the 13th October get your choices to me asap.
Also the AGM is during November and I’ll be sending out the information soon.
Tight lines