AGM and other bits

The AGM in November went very well and the attendance this year was very encouraging. I thank all that came on the 24th

The survey that was sent out has had a great response with 105 returns from 120 sent, brilliant! The committee will go through the returns and will get back to the membership as soon as we can.

I would just like to wish you all a great Christmas and a good 2018. I trust that those who get out on to the river will have a great time and lots of tight lines.



Grayling Society events

I have been given the programme for the local Grayling Society upcoming events. I know some Ladffa members are already Grayling Society members and will probably have received this information but if not please see below.

For those who are not yet members the Grayling Society is well worth a look and  for members there are fishing days available on some exclusive waters during the winter months.

The calendar of event is as below;

Wednesday 18th October  Gary Walker “Cane rods”

November 8th Jon Beer ” Get Fat- Live longer and other surprising lessons we learn from Trout”

December 6th Charles Jardine as well as his presentation Charles will be talking about “Fishing 4 Schools initiative”

January 10th Stuart Crofts ” Caddisfly Magic” entomology, fly patterns and tactics

February 7th Don Stazicker “The surface film, how to make your flies sit in it, on it and underneath it”

March 7th Martin Pearce “Spies and flies” spies apparently enjoy fly fishing!

Fly tying evenings join in or sit and watch the “experts”

October 23rd, November 27th, January 29th, February 26th, March 19th

All the above are presented by Grayling Fishers, Rutland Arms Hotel, Bakewell. Time 7.30 pm cost £3.00

Remember The Ladffa annual dinner on the 13th October get your choices to me asap.

Also the AGM is during November and I’ll be sending out the information soon.

Tight lines


Uttoxeter fly fair

On 15th October Ladffa will have a stand at this years Uttoxeter Fly Fair held at the Uttoxeter Race course. This is a one day fair and is well worth a visit to pick those essentials before the winter confines us to the tying bench.


Grayling Society evenings

I have been given the programme for the local Grayling Society upcoming events. I know some Ladffa members are already Grayling Society members and will probably have received this information but if not please see below.

For those who are not yet members the Grayling Society is well worth a look and  for members there are fishing days available on some exclusive waters during the winter months.

The calendar of event is as below;

Wednesday 18th October  Gary Walker “Cane rods”

November 8th Jon Beer ” Get Fat- Live longer and other surprising lessons we learn from Trout”

December 6th Charles Jardine as well as his presentation Charles will be talking about “Fishing 4 Schools initiative”

January 10th Stuart Crofts ” Caddisfly Magic” entomology, fly patterns and tactics

February 7th Don Stazicker “The surface film, how to make your flies sit in it, on it and underneath it”

March 7th Martin Pearce “Spies and flies” spies apparently enjoy fly fishing!

Fly tying evenings join in or sit and watch the “experts”

October 23rd, November 27th, January 29th, February 26th, March 19th

All the above are presented by Grayling Fishers, Rutland Arms Hotel, Bakewell. Time 7.30 pm cost £3.00

Remember The Ladffa annual dinner on the 13th October get your choices to me asap.

Also the AGM is during November and I’ll be sending out the information soon.

Tight lines







Working party update/ annual dinner

I now have some further information regarding the working party on the Dove on September the 12th. Alex’s intention is to work on two, possibly three weirs, breaching and removing the “newer” top layer from the weirs.Tools required to include crowbars and muscle power!

Meeting at Milldale around 09.30 and walking downstream to the weirs in question, the plan is to complete the works by mid afternoon,so a drink and food would also be an advisable inclusion.

Any one who can make it on September the 12th, please contact me and I’ll pass on your names and details to Alex.

The information for Ladffa’s annual dinner has also been sent out last week, either via email or letter, but anyone who hasn’t received that information please get in touch and I’ll forward them to you.

Regards                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Graham

Tenkara update

Good evening all

As I sit in my office and look through the window I can see the rain is bouncing off the roads. I know we need rain for the rivers and gardens but the English weather doesn’t seem to know when to stop, as its all or nothing!

As a follow up to my recent Tenkara post I would like to pass on a web site that another member related to me. Discover Tenkara is run by Paul Gaskell, of Wild Trout Trust fame, and John Pearson both of whom are very keen  Tenkara enthusiasts,  to say the least.

On their web site access is given, (some free) to video’s, teach in’s and tactics for Tenkara fishing on streams along with techniques from Japanese anglers, and it is well worth a visit.

I have also started tying Tenkara flies. Simple styles like reverse spiders really. If any one wants to look at them please email me and I’ll explain how I tie them and materials used, along with a pic or two!

Tight lines



I have been told by a member that the Tenkara Centre UK is closing due to his other business pressures.

So for all you Tenkara buffs out there if you give them a ring you might catch a bargain!

Tight lines


Bentley Brook

A member has noted that care must be taken if members are using the car park near Horsley Farm. Now that the hedges are growing visibility is impaired, so exit with extreme caution.

Tight lines



Good evening all

As part of “getting the membership involved” the committee, through Steve Clarke, have arranged for a Tenkara evening on the river Dove at Dovedale. The event will take place on the 28th June commencing at the Dovedale car park from 18.30 with an impromptu BBQ. Peter Arfield, from the Bakewell Fly fishing shop, will be giving a bank side demonstration of the Tenkara techniques for those attending. There is a limited number of spaces and a first come first served allocation will be applied. although if numbers show the potential another evening could be arranged.It would be useful if those attending had their own Tenkara set up but some equipment might be available on the night. The event is expected to run through until dusk. The cost for the evening will be £30 including the BBQ.

Please contact me if you are interested.


Ladffa hon sec


The season begins

I trust that members will take the opportunity of some fine weather to venture out and have a cast or two.

Early reports show low water but there are still fish being caught. I’m sure that as the weather and the year progresses the fish will start to look up from the river bed for their meals and we’ll see some rising fish.

As we are coming up to the Easter weekend then the popular spots will get busier with the public, who sadly still don’t have the forethought to leave us anglers in peaceful contemplation but would rather persist in stick throwing for their dogs, just as we’re about to cast or disturb the fish we have been watching.  I have a dog who loves the water but a little thought about other river users doesn’t take a lot of effort and increases the pleasure for all. The good thing, especially in Dovedale, the fish are used to the visitors and will come back on station so its us as anglers who are more perturbed by them.

Those members who have the chance to fish midweek will always benefit from those times but for those who can only access the river during weekends then perhaps a visit to our less visited, although no less fishable, waters may increase the day’s enjoyment.

I wish you all tight lines and  a good season.
